Connections Magazine
Published annually, this magazine showcases the people and the innovative programs that have built a national reputation for both its teacher preparation and graduate programs.
John E. Roueche Center for Community College Leadership
Faculty Publications 2018 - Present
This list is a compilation of references from publications authored by Kansas State University’s Community College Leadership Program faculty between 2018 and the present.
Educational Considerations
A leading peer-reviewed journal in the field of educational leadership, featuring contributions from educators throughout the world.
Prairie Journal of Educational Research
We are no longer accepting submissions for this journal. This website will remain live to provide access to previous issues. We would like to thank authors, reviewers, and faculty for their patronage and support.
Networks: An Online Journal for Teacher Research
A place for sharing reports of action research, in which teachers at all levels, kindergarten to postgraduate, are reflecting on classroom practice through research ventures.
Publications that Support Scholarships
Listen and You Can Hear the Call, the Journey of Kansas State University’s Bluemont Bell
This special book takes you on the journey from a piece of metal being transformed into a bell through the written word and unique pieces of art.
Coloring with the Cats
A coloring book featuring the amazing sights of Kansas State University, created by the college's Art Education program.
K-State: An Alphabet Journey Across Campus
With the alphabet as a guide, take a tour of the landmarks and celebrations that represent Kansas State University and what it means to be part of the Wildcat family.
eBooks Produced by College of Education Faculty
Journey to Refuge
The companion site for the eBook Journey to Refuge: Understanding Refugees, Exploring Trauma, and Best Practices for Newcomers and Schools, edited by Dr. Trina D. Harlow.
Special Education in Secondary Schools
Research-based practices for teaching special education in secondary schools, written by Dr. Mickey Losinski.
Action Research
Steps and practical guidance to those who intend to carry out action research for the first time, written by J. Spencer Clark, Suzanne Porath, Julie Thiele, and Morgan Jobe.
Being the First
The companion site for the eBook Being the "First": A Narrative Inquiry into the Funds of Knowledge of First Generation College Students in Teacher Education.