Art Education
Welcome to the Art Education program at Kansas State University! We are thrilled that you are interested in pursuing your teaching degree through the College of Education. We will work with you to make sure you are completing the coursework needed to become a licensed teacher. Below are just a few of the things we want you to know about the Art Education program at Kansas State University.
- With courses designed to help you understand the basics of art education, this degree allows students to engage in curricula that are both creative and artistic. The pursuit of this degree will help you understand how to be an innovative, inventive, creative art teacher so that your future school’s art program can reap the benefits of your care and skill.
- Our program will introduce you to and incorporate TRA-digital technique, global learning, multicultural and intercultural education, KSDE Standards, social and emotional learning, writing unit and lesson plans, creating supplemental curriculum materials, using emerging technology in unique ways, classroom management and behavior, and many other aspects of being art teacher.
- We focus on fostering skills that will allow you to be an innovative, inventive, engaging art teacher, who teaches much more than media technique and art history. The program uses professional protocol that is common to the P-12 school environment in all communication, starting from day one.