EDACE 780 Introduction to Adult Learning and Leadership (3 credits)
This is a foundation course that acquaints the student with the diverse and evolving field of adult education. It provides a systematic base for further studies in adult education. The broad purpose of this course is to have students explore the scope and significance of the field and its contributions to present-day learning in society.The student should leave this course with the beginning perspective of how adult education emerged, how it is presently changing and how it interrelates with other fields and disciplines.
EDACE 790 Characteristics of the Adult Learner (3 credits)
The purpose of this course is to help students gain increased knowledge about the characteristics of adults andhow the characteristics impact learning. Students will be asked to develop a critical understanding of relevant theories, concepts and research. Lastly, they will develop a better understanding of themselves as adult learners.
EDACE 818 Critical and Social Issues in Adult Learning (3 credits)
This course is designed for adult and continuing education students and college or university personnel in sociology and related fields dealing with adults. It is based on the premise that learning is affected by society, governmentand economics. Included is an in-depth examination of the relationship between adult education and culture.
EDACE 830 Program Planning (3 credits)
This course includes an analysis of the major approaches of program planning and development and discussionof the assumptions related to successful program planning in several types of organizations. It outlines the importance of program planning and elements of a systematic planning process.
EDACE 886 Adult Education Research (3 credits)
This course will focus upon the fundamental principles and methods of social science research. Additionally, it will provide an opportunity for students to become critical readers of research-based literature in adult education by developing an understanding of the key aspects of quantitative, qualitative and action-based analytical methods and research traditions.
EDACE 886 Introduction to Community Colleges (3 credits)
This graduate seminar focuses on community college leadership issues and its linkages to adult learning. Today a common trend in leader development is leaders as teachers. Community college education andleadership has a long history in adult education, dating back to the 1940s with the rise of the moderncommunity college. This is a foundational course that acquaints the student with the diverse and evolvingfield of community colleges, and provides a systematic base for further studies.
EDACE 832 Interpersonal/Intrapersonal Dynamics (3 credits)
This course examines various psychological and sociological factors that impact leadership. Through examining topics like motivation, communication and presentation styles, cognitive processing, learning styles and conflict management, students gain a deeper understanding of how these factors affect their personalleadership style and impact the adults they are leading.
EDACE 835 Developing Teams and Leaders (3 credits)
Adult education theory and adult learning principles are emerging as effective organizational tools to use when developing teams and leaders. This course will examine how teams and leaders can e developed usingleadership theory and adult learning principles Through this course, students will be able to analyze when it isappropriate to use these tools, their strengths, weaknesses and limitations. To compliment the course readings, students will be asked to share their professional experiences with team and leader development.
EDACE 837 Quality Programs and Staff Management (3 credits)
This course will explore some leadership and management skills critical to building a quality program. Students will identify their leadership and management skills and strengths, how to solve problems and delegate responsibility, how to deal with conflict and problem employees, how to deal with dysfunctional staffand teams, and what are some basic legal issues that need to be considered.
EDACE 886 Digital Leadership Development (3 credits)
This course provides an essential introduction into digital leadership development. It helps students acquire the skills and competencies required of educational leaders and administrators to make well-grounded decisions in providing leadership on planning and designing digital learning environments and experiences. This course will also discuss social, ethical, and human issues related to digital leadership development.
EDACE 875 Program Evaluation (3 credits)
This course examines the foundational elements and key ideas associated with the process and practice of program evaluation. Various approaches to program evaluation, program assessment, data collection andanalysis practices are discussed. Participants are given opportunities to review and critique current literature concerning program evaluation and to develop a basic individualized framework for program evaluation.Students will analyze program evaluations and assessments completed at their own institutions.