Core coursework examines characteristics of adult learners, explores motivational, social, and cultural differences, develops skills in planning and evaluating programs for adults, and helps professionals better understand how adults develop and learn.
- EDACE 780 – Introduction to Adult Learning and Leadership
This is a foundation course that acquaints the student with the diverse and evolving field of adult education. It provides a systematic base for further studies in adult education. The broad purpose of this course is to have students explore the scope and significance of the field and its contributions to present-day learning in society. The student should leave this course with the beginning perspective of how adult education emerged, how it is presently changing, and how it interrelates with other fields and disciplines.
- EDACE 790 – Characteristics of the Adult Learner
The purpose of this course is to help the student gain increased knowledge about the characteristics of adults and how these impact learning. Students will be asked to develop a critical understanding of relevant theories, concepts, and research. Lastly, they will develop a better understanding of themselves as an adult learner.
- EDACE 818 – Critical and Social Issues in Adult Learning
This course is designed for adult learning and leadership students and college or university personnel in sociology and related fields dealing with adults. It is based on the premise that learning is affected by society, government, and economics. Included is an in-depth examination of the relationship between adult learning and culture.
- EDACE 830 – Program Planning in Adult Learning and Leadership
This course includes an analysis of major approaches of program planning and development and discussion of assumptions related to successful program planning in several types of organizations. It outlines the importance of program planning and elements of a systematic planning process.
- EDCEP 816 – Research Methods in Education (or approved equivalent)
This course will focus upon the fundamental principles and methods of social science research. Additionally, it will provide an opportunity for students to become critical readers of research-based literature in adult education through developing an understanding of the key aspects of quantitative, qualitative, and action-based analytical methods and research traditions.