New Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent Mentoring/Induction Componentsstar shape

District Enrollment form

The components of the KELI Mentoring/Induction program are described with notations for requirements of what will constitute successful completion of the KELI mentoring/induction program. First year superintendents/assistant superintendents with an Initial District Leader’s License status who complete the KELI program will meet the requirements for the Professional District Leader’s License status. First year superintendents and assistant superintendents with a professional district leader’s license will earn professional development points for renewal of the KSDE license. Completion is described in the following categories:

A. Mentoring Activities

(Participation Required)

The purpose is to provide guidelines for the interaction between first year superintendents/assistant superintendents and their respective mentor.

  • Interaction July through June with mentors who have been successful Kansas superintendents in similar settings.
  • At least one face-to-face site visit each month—to be scheduled with the assigned mentor.
  • Additional regular contacts with mentors as needed and as scheduled by phone, email, skype, facetime, or other technology.
  • Receive monthly checklists from KELI of topics of timely concern for district leaders.
  • Attendance at the opening KELI orientation session.
  • Attend one state board of education meeting and one Council of Superintendents meeting during the year. Check dates and verify location on the KSDE website. If event attendance at one of the above meetings is not possible, the KELI Executive Director will work with the mentee to identify a suitable substitute. If event attendance at a state board meeting or Council of Superintendents meeting is not possible, the KELI Executive Director will work with the mentee to identify a suitable substitute. Attendance at the meetings is highly recommended due to the importance of both for district leaders. (Live streaming/recording is permissible for one of the two meetings.)
  • Complete at least two performance demonstrations, jointly selected by the mentor and mentee to be observed by the mentor for the purpose of giving quality feedback for professional growth. Suggestions include local board meeting, a staff session or assembly, special presentation, etc. For Assistant Superintendents, the mentor/mentee can agree upon one alternative activity for one of the performance demonstrations if beneficial to his/her leadership role.
  • Complete a required end-of-the-year reflection on the first year experience. The end of the year reflection should focus on professional growth as a district leader. Mentors can assist by suggesting areas that might be included.
  • Attend one legislative/advocacy committee meeting or hearing during the year (local or state, KASB Governmental Relations, city/county wide forum).

B. Introductory Training/ Professional Learning Sessions

(Choose a combination of five across categories)

The purpose is to recognize a broad range of options for professional networking and to identify sources for personal growth in leadership capacity. Mentees should attend at least five sessions across Groups 1 and 2 below. The five requirements must include two Professional Organization Meetings and three Cohort Group Sessions which will include opportunities for professional learning and networking at the executive leadership level. Any registration fees or travel costs are the responsibility of the attendee.

  1. Professional Organization Meetings (Choose two)
    Focusing on opportunities to improve your leadership skills, choose two activities from the list below – note there are options for choosing an organization not specifically named in the list. Examples of professional organization meetings include, but are not limited to:
    • KSSA New Superintendents Workshop or other KSSA meetings
    • KASB/KSDE/USA/KBOR Education Summit (Regional)
    • KASB workshops such as Superintendents Day, Annual Conference, Governmental Relations Day
    • USA/Kansas Annual Conference
    • Service Center sessions focusing on leadership capacity for superintendents/assistant superintendents
    • Attend another state professional organization conference related to district leadership
    • Attend a national or state professional organization meeting. (Work with the mentor to identify in advance how this event will be a helpful learning experience for beginning executive leaders.)
    • Schedule a meeting with KSDE Executive Leadership team members
  2. KELI/USA Regional Cohort group sessions (Attend three)
    No registration fee will be required for KELI participants. Any travel costs will be the responsibility of the attendee.
    • Mentees will participate in three Regional Cohort Group Meetings scheduled by KELI/USA. These sessions will be developed annually around topics important to new district leaders and building leadership skills. Each session will provide an opportunity for new learning, panel discussions led by practicing superintendents and mentors, and small group discussion with regional and state-wide peers. Content presentations on current topics of leadership development and professional learning will be incorporated into each session. These topics will focus on issues such as BOE/Superintendent Relations, Budget Preparation and Planning, Strategic Planning with Community, School Violence, Social Media/Technology, KESA, Change/Redesign, etc. Panel discussions on these issues will be led by practicing superintendents and mentors followed by dedicated time to informal cohort discussions with regional/state peers. Attendance via virtual technology may be allowed with special permission. Every effort will be made to schedule these cohort sessions in conjunction with existing meetings important to superintendent/assistant superintendent leadership attendance.

C. Successful completion of KELI mentoring/induction

Successful completion of the KELI mentoring/induction program is defined in the requirements above. On a limited basis, substitutions may be accepted when approved in advance by the KELI Executive Director.

Superintendents/Assistant Superintendents who have an Initial District Leadership License and successfully complete the Kansas Educational Leadership Institute (KELI) mentoring and induction program satisfy requirements for the KSDE professional district leader license endorsement. The KELI Executive Director is authorized to sign the required form indicating completion to KSDE.

Superintendents/Assistant Superintendents who hold a professional district leader endorsement and complete the KELI requirements earn professional growth credits for license renewal under the KSDE guidelines. KELI is recognized by KSDE as a regional professional learning center. A mentor may consult with the KELI Executive Director to authorize waiver of a specific program requirement if previous experience warrants.