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- Submitting a Research Proposal
Submitting a Research Proposal
Timeline for Research Proposal Submissions
3-6 Months
- Identify funding opportunity
- Inform Supervisor/Department Chair of plan to submit
- Inform ADR office (Dr. Cindy Shuman – cshuman@k-state.edu) of intent to submit
- Identify resources needed and establish writing timeline
- Identify collaborators and start participation discussions
- Contact Program Officer
2+ Months
- Consult the COE Grant Specialist to initiate Cayuse record (electronic proposal system) and funding agency electronic user name
- Inform COE Grant Specialist about any subcontractors that will be paid from grant funds
- Writing continues
- IRB Application if needed
- Schedule ADR office editing if desired
1-2 Months
- Meet with COE Grant Specialist and prepare draft budget
- Contact Program Officer if additional questions arise
- Contact colleagues for external review if desired
- Continue revising and incorporating feedback
3 Weeks
- Budget finalized
- Draft ancillary documents (letters of support, Current & Pending, biosketch, Data Management Plans, Facilities and Resources, etc.)
2 Weeks
- Narrative finalized
- Final review of all materials
8 Business Days Before Deadline
- Submit final materials to Grant Specialist
- Adhere to Pre-Awards policy
Office of the Associate Dean for Research and External Funding
017 Bluemont Hall