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- K-State Math Teacher Scholarship Program
- Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible for Freshman/Sophomore Internship Stipends?
Freshmen or sophomores majoring in a mathematics with a possible interest in teaching are eligible for paid internships in various teaching-related positions both on and off campus. These internships help students further explore their interest in teaching and hopefully attract them to the teaching field.
Who is eligible for K-State Math Teacher Scholarship Program?
Juniors or seniors currently completing a baccalaureate mathematics degree are eligible to apply for the full National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Scholarships. The award amounts to $18,000 per year for up to two years. After being accepted into the program, students are required to complete a semester-long internship experience in a public school.
What are the applicant requirements for K-State Math Teacher Scholarship Program?
- Freshmen/Sophomores
- Applicants for the K-State Robert Noyce Stipend are currently freshmen or sophomores majoring in mathematics.
- Freshmen and sophomore applicants must:
- Possess a cumulative 2.75 GPA
- Have successful completion at least one semester of university credit at K-State
- Be enrolled as a full-time student during the semester immediately following the semester for which the stipend award is received
- Meet stated deadlines and requirements for application submission
- Juniors/Seniors
- Applicants for the K-State Math Teachers Scholarship Program through the National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Foundation are students who are currently completing a mathematics degree. Junior and senior applicants must:
- Possess a cumulative 2.75 GPA.
- Meet all of the requirements for admission to the teacher education professional program
- Be enrolled as a full-time student during each academic year for which the award is received
- Meet stated deadlines for application submission
- Applicants for the K-State Math Teachers Scholarship Program through the National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Foundation are students who are currently completing a mathematics degree. Junior and senior applicants must:
What are my obligations after being awarded a K-State Math Teacher Scholarship?
- Freshmen/Sophomores
- Apply and work for an internship experience in an informal education setting for a semester.
- Juniors/Seniors
- Complete the Secondary Education Program Requirements
- Sign a contract acknowledging that they understand the obligations and agree to repay K-State a pro-rated amount based on the extent to which they fail to meet their obligation.
- Once placed in a high need school, Noyce Scholars will be responsible for annually requesting a letter from the school principal certifying completion of that year’s contract in the school.
- Teach math for two years in a high need school for each awarded scholarship year. Recipient has eight years to fulfill this commitment.
Do I have to teach in Kansas?
No, as long as the school fits the criteria delineated in the K-State Math Teachers Scholarship Program Grant.
What is the application and selection process?
- Freshmen/Sophomores
- Complete the online application
- Official transcripts from all undergraduate institutions that you have attended (or permission to gain access through KSIS)
- Statement of interest to teach mathematics
- Two names of references – one from an advisor and one from a course instructor in your major supporting your interest in the stipend
- Application Review and Award Announcements:
- Review of applications will begin on April 1st for summer and fall internships and November 1st for spring internships. (Applications will continue until positions are filled)
- Noyce Stipend awards will be announced prior to the end of the semester in which the application was submitted.
- Final selection will be made by the leadership team and will be based on:
- Maturity as indicated by performance in academic courses and by references
- Interest in mathematics education
- Compatibility with acceptable internship sites;
- Juniors/Seniors
- Complete the online application
- Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions that you have attended or permission to access academic records through KSIS
- Statement of interest in teaching math in a high-need school
- Three names of references
- Application Deadlines and Award Announcements:
- Applications must be submitted online by April 1st or November 1st for juniors/seniors
- Noyce Scholarship awards will be announced prior to the start date of the subsequent academic semester
- Applications will be reviewed by a screening committee that includes representatives from the Department of Mathematics and Department of Curriculum and Instruction.
- The selection committee will recommend applicants to be interviewed by the leadership team (PI and Co-PIs)
- Final selection will be made by the leadership team and will be based on:
- Academic performance (grade point average in the targeted discipline as well as in all college work completed)
- Intellectual potential (as evidenced by references and interview)
- Teaching potential (as evidenced by references and interview)
- Commitment to serving in a high need district (as evidenced in the statement of interest and interview)
- Preference will be given to applicants from populations underrepresented in mathematics.
Where can I find Praxis II content test information and testing dates?
Information and links to PRAXIS information are available on the College of Education PRAXIS Testing web page.
What kind of support will I receive after the completion of this program?
Once you have accepted a position in a high-need school, we provide on-going mentoring services minimally for 1 year, post completion of K-State Math Teacher Scholarship Program.
Is the scholarship or stipend taxable?
Information coming soon.
What happens if a K-State Math Teacher Noyce scholar does not find a job in a high-needs school district upon completion of the program?
Recipient has eight years to fulfill this commitment.
Will substitute teaching count towards the K-State Math Teacher Scholarship program obligation?
Substitute teaching may count towards the program obligation if the position is in a high-needs school, and on a semester or long-term basis.
K-State Math Teacher Scholarship Program
Dr. Sherri Martinie
237 Bluemont Hall
Dr. Craig Spencer
138 Cardwell Hall