Mentoring/Induction Services for Kansas Educational Leaders

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Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent

Mentoring and Induction support for first year superintendents or for those new to Kansas.

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Principal/Assistant Principal

Mentoring and Induction support for first year principals and assistant principals or for those new to Kansas.

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Special Education Director/Assistant

Mentoring and Induction support for first year special education directors and assistant directors or for those new to Kansas.

Comments from some of our KELI completers…

“The KELI experience has been a lifesaver so far during my first year as superintendent. It has given me peace of mind that any problems or issues that come up, I have a contact that can guide me through them. It has been great to be able to sit down one-on-one and discuss school issues and have someone to bounce ideas off of.”

“Easily the biggest help was being able to sit down with my mentor and get actual advice pertaining to real problems on the job.”

“The KELI program was just what I needed to make it through my first year.”

“As a new superintendent, I didn’t know what I didn’t know. That is where the KELI program provided invaluable information and guidance.”

Dr. Mischel D. Miller
Executive Director
364 Bluemont Hall
1114 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506


Caroline Hafner
Office Specialist II
364 Bluemont Hall
1114 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506